司徒華先生治喪委員會 敬啟
司徒華Szeto Wah
1931 - 2011
一九三一, 司徒衛華。 年幼返鄉, 遭逢國難。 廾齡父歿, 艱苦持家。 葛師受訓, 勇往直前。 悉心教學, 誨人得樂。 言傳身教, 戰勝會考。 有教無類, 桃李芳香。 純情美麗, 唯白玫瑰; 終身獨守, 愛在心間。 組成聯秘, 力爭薪酬; 團結一致, 官津補私。 保障權益, 追求公義。 | 既有理想, 又有策略。 心在教育, 根在教協。 關顧民生, 造福坊眾。 經營九東, 民選入局。 不屈不撓, 無倚無偏。 提倡中運, 纂書推行。 杏壇四十, 楷模樹立。 貫通書史, 洞察政情。 立會議事, 十有八年。 創立支聯, 彰顯人權; 萬民集會, 響徹維園。 天天游泳, 日日讀書。 心慕辛龔, 紺弩魯迅。 潛修一己, 啟導他人。 散文廾集, 著作等身。 | 心連香港, 北望神州。 真誠愛國, 民主盟首。 錚錚風骨, 擇善固執。 竭其所能, 鞠躬盡瘁。 有理有節, 發光發熱。 歷歷往事, 八十於茲。 人生短暫, 江山無限; 去尚纏綿, 典範永存。 平反六四, 燭光傳遞。 民主長途, 端賴爾曹。 燎原星火, 勢不可阻; 他日功成, 自然有我。 二零一一, 主懷安息。 |
頌辭 (李百強撰 2011年1月26日) |
Szeto Wai Wah was born in 1931.
As a child, he fled to his ancestral town when war loomed over Hong Kong.
At his father’s death, the young man provided for his siblings.
Trained at Grantham College, he forged forward.
Devoted to education, he reveled in his work.
Edifying others by words and deeds, he nurtured scholastic excellence.
Countless pupils benefited from this advocate of “schooling for all.”
His beloved was like a white rose, resplendent with purity.
A bachelor all his life, he kept her memory in his heart.
A fighter for fair salaries, an organizer of pressure groups,
He unified teachers of different stripes.
Safeguarding professional rights and interests, he upheld justice.
He was imbued with ideals and gifted in strategies.
A zealous educationalist with the Professional Teachers Union (PTU) as a base,
He brought positive change to people’s lives.
Elected by popular vote, he was a councillor for Kowloon East,
His persona distinguished as steadfast, righteous and impartial.
A campaigner for Chinese-language instruction, a champion of new textbooks,
Educational veteran of four decades, he became the role model par excellence.
Conversant in literature and history, with a keen eye on politics,
He served at the Legislative Council for eighteen years.
Founder of the Alliance for Democracy in China, he defended human rights.
Every year, tens of thousands gather at Victoria Park, their voices resounding.
Swimming and reading were his daily fare.
He admired literati Xin Qiji, Gong Zizhen, Nie Gannu and Lu Xun.
Constantly advancing himself, he enriched others.
His collected essays and other publications stand as tall as the man himself.
A heart bonded with Hong Kong, he wished the best for his motherland.
A true patriot, he headed organizations striving for democracy.
Upright and unswerving, he adhered to virtue and integrity.
Harnessing his best efforts, he never cowered in the face of hardship.
A disciplined and rational leader, his radiance has reached far and wide.
All that transpired in the past eight decades is now before our eyes.
Life may be short, but the world marches on.
Although he has left us, his legacy will never diminish.
As light begets light, candles will glow until June 4 is redeemed.
Friends from all places: the long fight for democracy is in your hands.
Even a small flame can consume an entire valley.
As he said, “The day when democracy wins, I’ll delight in my share.”
2011: the Lord called him home in Heaven.
Our revered Szeto, rest in peace.
—Patrick Lee Park Keong
29th January, 2011